Monday 20 August 2012

Capsaicinoia Caption Competition!

Capsaicinoia is offering a prize of £20 to spend in our on-line shop to the witty wonder who comes up with the best caption for this photo.  Just what is the customer saying to Mike?  Drop us an email at

The picture was taken at the Woburn Abbey Garden Show last weekend which was a scorcher in more ways than one.  We were inside the Food and Gift tent and for once we were glad to be indoors as it was very, very hot outside.  Although it was humid indoors we were out of the blazing heat of the sun which was a blessing for our more delicate products such as our Dried Chillies and Chilli Chocolate.

It was an interesting weekend - a very different type of customer than those we generally meet at the chilli festivals.  Most had obviously come for the Garden Show and the Food and Gifts were an unexpected extra.  The average age on the Saturday was slightly higher than usual for a Chilli Event and true chilli fans were rare.  Some people did not even know what a chilli was and many had never even tasted one!  Nevertheless. we met some great people and introduced a few of the more adventurous to the delights of Chilli Chocolate, Beef Jerky and Jerk Sauce and Marinade.

Sunday was even hotter outside and things hotted up a bit inside too.  The Chilli Fans were out and about and we even spotted the odd celebrity, namely the Duke of Bedford himself who stopped for a brief chat, and Ken Hom, who dashed through the tent.  Ken, why didnt you stop?!?  Sales were much better than Saturday and our best sellers were the Chilli Mills, the Chilli Chocolate and again the Trailhead Beef Jerky.

Other highlights for us over the weekend were the Steel Band, the Pimms, the Frozen Yogurt and the privilege of working in the Woburn Abbey Estate which was absolutely fantastic.

Finally, a huge thank you to the Frosts Team who were wonderful!  Friendly, helpful and supportive even to the point of supplying us with rehydration in the form of squash served from a watering can!  A clean one we Simon said, no sudden withering or excess hair growth observed after consumption!  Looking forward to working with you guys again over the next couple of weekends at Woburn Sands Chilli Festival and again at Millets Farm.

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