Friday 9 March 2012

Welcome to Capsaicinoia

We are Mike and Jackie and we are passionate about chillies!  How they taste (of course!), but also how they look and feel and smell.  We are fascinated by their many uses and effects in all aspects of daily life and know there are lots of people like us out there. 

We used to work in the corporate world of pharmaceutical sales but always fantasized about getting out and doing something for ourselves.  This year the decision was made for us when we were simultaneously both made redundant.

As a result we decided to set up Capsaicinoia and our vision is to create a gift shop or emporium that sells only chilli related products for people like you and us that love chillies. Most chilli shops sell food related chilli products in the main and we will sell a selection of these.  What makes us different is that we will also sell a wide selection of non-food related products ranging from jewellery and kitchen ware to books and cards and even novelty items like our pepper soaps. Our aim is to source and stock our shop with a diverse range of the best quality chilli related products that will meet all your chilli needs and fulfil your desires.

We don't want to make a fortune. We want to create a business that provides us with a modest income, sells good quality products, and enables us and you to have fun with chillies!

We need your help to do this.  We have started small with a few categories of products and a small product range but we'd love to grow and expand this until we have truly created an exotic and rich emporium in the true sense of the word.  

You can help by giving us feedback on the site and shop itself (please bear in mind that we are new to the joys of web-design and are currently on a very steep learning curve), and on our products and the customer service that we offer you.

If you think or know of anything that you believe we should source or stock to help us build our vision please contact us with the details.